Quality of Life changes in v0.2.0

An important quality of life change in upcoming version 0.2.0:

The tip/guide system is finally implemented for each event, including both main and character-specific events.
Main event tips will have a separate section with a short guide for the current missing event. Character panels will have a tip for the current missing event with the option to toggle them off/on. 

Both guides can be ignored if one wishes to try and progress the story without help as character tips are off by default. This should significantly reduce the player's headache when trying to progress the story.

This is an early version that requires few typo fixes, bug testings and it may be subject to change.

Version 0.2.0 will feature a lot of new content, fixes and much more. Stay tuned for more info. Thank you all for your support, it really means a lot.

PS: As it's 1st of April, you can wish Ari happy birthday here or on Discord where she received a dedicated little scene. 
Also: This is not an April Fool's Joke :kekw:

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